A Tale of Hidden Treasure: A Short Story

There you were, beautiful brown skin like the trees some unknown god had planted you in. Black hair with the universe reflected inside. You wore a green dress of flowing leaves, and if I looked closer, your hands were like a thousand tiny branches. 

The journey started with a map.

 On this map was the location of a coveted treasure.

 I alone had the map given to me on a day when the red moon touched the sea. It washed up alongside the shoreline and beckoned me to follow.

 Since that day, I’ve been searching for the end of the hidden trails. 

 How many years did it take? I didn’t know. How many friends had I lost along the way? I didn’t know. Why did I not give up despite being told to turn back? I also did not know the answer. The only thing certain was the conviction in my heart to discover the rarest wealth on earth. 

 To make a long story short, I finally got to my destination.

 The paved road turned into sand. Then sand turned into an ocean. And in the middle of that ocean was an island with the tallest mountain I’ve ever seen. When I finally made it onto the mountain, I climbed the world’s steepest tree. When I got to the top of that tree, there was a fountain. In that fountain, there was running living water. I traced that stream of water up to the crystal-clear ocean of your eyes.

 There you were, beautiful brown skin like the trees some unknown god had planted you in. Black hair with the universe reflected inside. You wore a green dress of flowing leaves, and if I looked closer, your hands were like a thousand tiny branches. 

 You spoke and said, “Drink these waters and you will never know fever. You will never know years of age. Drink this, and the kiss of death will never grace your lips.”

 So, I did what you said and drank it. An eternity flowed through me as I could never have imagined. 

 Then you asked, “What will you do now with your perpetuity?” 

 I clench and unclench my fist, flexing this newfound power.

 Worlds without end. Time beyond measure, yet when I looked at you, tears steadily streamed down upon your cheek.

 I reached up, and with the gift of a thousand gods, dried your tears.

“How did you know?” You asked. 

 I responded, “Because we are kindred souls, destined to wander this world alone.”

 I freed you from the tree, and you fell into my arms.

 Two halves were now whole.

 That day, we transformed the fountain of life into the fruits of love.

Creating a new journey yet to be told.


The Many Sides of Depression


The Man and the Moon