



a divine creative impulse or inspiration.


Copyright © E.A. Noble

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Reading is a Right for All!
E.A. Noble E.A. Noble

Reading is a Right for All!

So, when I hear someone say, "I don't read Queer books," what they're really telling me is... I partake in silencing minority voices because of my moral supremacy.

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E.A. Noble E.A. Noble


I hopped on the bed, willing myself to stay in character. Just one night. That's it. Just one night. I'll get paid and I'll never see him again. 


Rated R

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Little Sea Crab
E.A. Noble E.A. Noble

Little Sea Crab

"What's love without punishment? What's pleasure without pain?" The captain slapped Myon's ass again and stepped back to see the entire view.



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E.A. Noble E.A. Noble


The poor must continue to grind. We must continue to plow the metaphorical fields, break our backs and bruise our fingers picking cotton, and slave away at a 9-5 until the day we die.

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2024 Vison to Reality
E.A. Noble E.A. Noble

2024 Vison to Reality

By the end of the year, I want to be stable, running a successful business, not accepting bare minimums—neither from others nor from myself. I want to be centered, at peace, saving for my new dream car and a downpayment for my house. This year, I am not settling for less.

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Forgotten Echos
E.A. Noble E.A. Noble

Forgotten Echos

I turned to James, his hair was wet with thick blood, his throat slit, his smile wide, and eyes crazed.

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Don’t Cry Over Spoiled Grits
E.A. Noble E.A. Noble

Don’t Cry Over Spoiled Grits

In an effort to connect with my ancestors, I embarked on a culinary adventure, delving into recipes that resonated with my heritage. Among them, Shrimp and Grits held a special place in my heart. But little did I know that this seemingly simple dish would teach me a profound lesson about resilience and perseverance.

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The Many Sides of Depression
E.A. Noble E.A. Noble

The Many Sides of Depression

One motion, that’s all it took. One motion to reveal the filthy bathroom sink, shit-stained toilet, and the brown ring around the tub. Dust and dead skin covered the tile floors. Black balls of hair lined the baseboards.

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        A Tale of Hidden Treasure:               A Short Story
E.A. Noble E.A. Noble

A Tale of Hidden Treasure: A Short Story

There you were beautiful brown skin like the trees some unknown god had planted you in. Black hair with the universe reflected inside. You wore a green dress of flowing leaves, and if I looked closer, your hands were like a thousand tiny branches.

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The Man and the Moon
E.A. Noble E.A. Noble

The Man and the Moon

We all know I consider myself a vitreous freak-ho. I love God, the gospel, and I love getting dick. PeriodT, Sis. That being said, I have been praying and asking the question, “what do I lack? Why can’t I keep a man?”

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Sex Journey - Sex Then and Now
E.A. Noble E.A. Noble

Sex Journey - Sex Then and Now

So, as a woman, I learned to lie. If they ask you that age-old question, "How many guys have you slept with?" I would keep it as low as possible. I had to fake innocence and purity. The phrase "I've never done this before" was intended to boost a man's ego. It was also a way to protect myself from humiliation and shame by society's standards of purity.

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