Reading is a Right for All!

For this Sunday topic, let's talk about "righteous" readers.

The hypocrisy of "I don't read Queer books" never falls dead on me. I find it ironic that BIPOC and other minority voices have been SCREAMING for recognition and representation, only to be met with the response of "Don't force me to diversify my shelves. It's my right to read whatever I want."

While at the SAME TIME, there are literal organizations working with their state and government to silence BIPOC and other minority voices by getting their books banned, removed from libraries, and online retailers. First, they attack Queer voices, then BIPOC voices, and now smut, erotica, and any and all books in the "dark" genre.

And those SAME people who refuse to read diversely are now seeing their favorite cis-het books being taken away as well.

And you want to know why?

They're using religious fervor, which is just bigotry and moral supremacy, to justify taking away your rights to read.

So, when I hear someone say, "I don't read Queer books," what they're really telling me is... I partake in silencing minority voices because of my moral supremacy.

News Flash! If you are NOT trying to read #ownvoices and support the "least" among us, do NOT be surprised when that same rhetoric is used against you. It is when we uplift, support, and read voices that are different from our own that we can truly win against the real-life organizations that are slowly chipping away at our reading rights.

And for someone of COLOR to further support, "I don't read Queer books," as if they don't understand how hard it is being a Black person in a predominantly white genre, is WILD!!!! THIS ENTIRE "I don't read/support Queer books because it's against my religion" blows my mind. Because last time I checked, the Jesus in the Bible absolutely would have opened a Queer book and probably enjoyed it because he knew the importance of uplifting voices that weren't being heard. Listening to the cries of those whom society has turned a blind eye to.

These self-important zealots forget the primary commandment. When asked what the greatest commandments are, Jesus answered: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" and "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

SUPPORT QUEER VOICES, BIPOC VOICES, TRANS VOICES, DISABLED VOICES, and EVERY minority voice. When you truly protect their rights, you also protect your own. Otherwise, do NOT be surprised when the way you treat these voices comes back to you tenfold.

Let the church say, amen!

Wilding Press gives a great list of resources if you want to learn more and how to support for the freedom to read.
