I am so excited to share with you my experience from the absolutely amazing interview I had with SORMAG’S Online Book Festival. Hosted by LASHAUNDA HOFFMAN.

I had the opportunity to meet such sweet, funny, and creative authors and readers. On top of that, LaShaunda asked great interview questions, and I wanted to share my responses with you.


Questions for the panel:

  1. What attracts you to writing in the science fiction genre?

Answer: EVERYTHING! The curiosity and the possibilities of it all. I imagine myself in space and coming across another species. What do they look like? Do they speak, or can they talk telepathically? What does their language sound like? What technological advances do they have? Most importantly, what do we share in common, and is humanity a construct that we created? What makes someone human? All these questions are piled in my head, and I'm obsessed with the unexplored frontier of science fiction.

2. Can you share insights into your research process and how you balance science details with the imaginative aspects of your storytelling?

Answer: This one needs an essay to answer, but I'll try and keep it simple. Reality is stranger than fiction, and in the techno world, technologies are explored that seem as though it was completely and truly science fiction. But imagination births new technology. For example, self-driving cars were totally science fiction, but now.... You can buy a Tesla. Balancing my ideas with real-world applications isn't that hard to do. Research, explore, and imagine.

3. How do you approach incorporating societal norms or challenges of a particular era into your scientific narratives?

Answer: Hmmm... I hope I interpret this question correctly, but to answer.... The core of humanity has been the same. No matter how advanced we have become, we as humans still struggle with the issues of importance, depression, existence, love, loss, hope.... These things will always be no matter what. When writing science fiction, we often see those primal basic needs interwoven within the stories. No matter the era or societal norms... There will always be change and those that resist change. Coupled with individual self-struggles and a ton of futuristic technology.... You have science fiction.

4. How do you approach the inclusion of diverse characters and perspectives in your work, and do you think it's important for writers to address issues of representation?

Answer: When it comes to diversity and representation, it is easy to include different people with various backgrounds when it reflects an author’s real life. I'm surrounded by representation. It is second nature to add people different than me in my book because I write characters that reflect my real life. Representation DOES MATTER. There are people out there waiting to read stories that reflect them. Do your research, ask questions, and try to walk in another person's shoes. It widens your perspective and allows others to connect with you and your story on a deeper level.

5. What advice do you have for aspiring writers who are just starting their Fantasy fiction writing journey?

Answer: RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. Study the genre! There are beats you MUST hit in order for it to be Fantasy.

6. How do you approach creating and developing your characters?

Answer: Great questions. I first write the story first. Get a lay of the land. After that, I keep adding to the character like a drawing. Adding lines, shadows, and depth as I go. Each time I revise my story, the voices become clearer. I build on that until I get fully realized characters.

And that’s a wrap for now!

I want to get the video footage to upload as well. If I do, I will add that too!


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