2024 Vison to Reality

Goals, goals, goals…eff ‘em! Every time I set goals, it feels like I never reach them. So, instead of goals, let's focus on positive statements. Would that be called manifestations? Regardless, these are the positive "I AM" statements that I will be repeating nonstop this year! I wanted to share them with you all.

Last year was a great year for me. Even though it ended badly with my job loss, I’m still struggling to find employment. However, this loss has made me VERY aware that I need to invest in myself and my business. The main thing I will focus on this year is building my brand and FINISHING THOSE BOOKS!

I write great stories. They are funny, Queer, diverse, and represent many groups that don’t get much representation. AND I’M HERE FOR IT!

By the end of the year, I want to be stable, running a successful business, not accepting bare minimums—neither from others nor from myself. I want to be centered, at peace, saving for my new dream car and a downpayment for my house. This year, I am not settling for less.

This is me holding myself accountable—a quick little “are you where you said you wanted to be?" toward the end of the year.

  • Did you set up your Shopify?

  • Did you invest in getting office supplies so you can better ship your books?

  • Did you release two stories this year?

  • Are you finished drafting "When Fire Meets Fire" because we all know your readers want completed series!

  • Did you save?

  • Were you kind to yourself this year?

  • Were you your own biggest cheerleader? Because that’s important. You are always going hard for everyone else, but you forget yourself in the process. GO JUST AS HARD IF NOT MORE FOR YOURSELF!

E, you deserve love, respect, and people in your life who want to be in your life. I know I already said it, but stop accepting bare minimum friendships, lovers, relationships in general.

  • Did you move? If not, Why? If so, where did we move, and are we happier there? Because here kind of sucks and the food is miserable. The apartment is nice though; that’s the only reason I would think that we stayed. I hope we saved enough money to move to a better location.

  • How about, did we attend at least one author meeting a month? ZOOM calls don’t count! I’m talking about putting on a bra and getting your ass out of the house!

  • Did we exercise at least three times a week? Because you and I both know that one time this week, we attempted to do a 15-minute exercise, and we couldn’t do five minutes. And it was low impact AND it had a ton of breaks in between, and we couldn’t get through it! Baby, we've got to get on that! For real, for real!

What else?

Make sure you’re keeping your receipts for tax purposes. Drink water. Get better sleep. Develop a great writing schedule and continue to grow in storytelling. By the end of the year, I want to know everything.

DON’T DISAPPOINT ME, SELF! I’m not playing with you.

I am proud of you though. And if nobody has said it, you really did do an amazing job last year. Don’t give up on us yet, okay? We still got fight in us, stories in us, love in us. Don’t allow this world to make us hard, bitter, and mean. We don’t want to be that.

Remember, there are more with us than against us. Allow our ancestors to do the work for us, open those doors for us, move in places that may be a little hard for us to get into. Don’t be afraid of change. The ancestors know you need change to be all the things that we need to be. Trust that you are protected, and everything, like it always does, will work out for us.

I love you with the bottom of my heart and with the depths of my soul. We literally could have died right now, but we aren't. Our story could have been one of tragedy, but it isn't. Our story is a hero’s journey, and we will slay our dragons, if not ride them high. We will succeed because it is already written for us to do so. You are so brave, unique, down to earth, and full of light and love. You will be okay.

Now, when I follow up with you at the end of the year, I better see yes, we did it for most if not all of those questions!

Happy 2024, girly. You got this.

From me to you.


